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Aris Theatre : Not About Heroes

  • 02 Nov 2018
  • 18 Nov 2018
  • 7 Stages Theatre Back Stage

Next at Aris

This fall, join BABC Member ArĂ­s for a very special performance series commemorating the one-hundredth aniversary of Armistice Day, which was to end "The War To End All Wars". We are assembling a program of events and performances based on the impact of this historical event, including music, lectures, a staged reading of "Home and Beauty" by M. Somerset Maugham, and our production of "Not About Heroes" by Stephen MacDonald.

In June 1917 a young English soldier named Wilfred Owen was sent to Craiglockhart War Hospital to treat the shell shock he was suffering after four months in the trenches in France. While he was there he met Siegfried Sassoon, a well-known poet. This meeting sparked a friendship that would inspire Owen to write what is thought of as the finest poetry to come out of World War I. This touching play seeks, and finds, joy and art in the midst of war. Directed by Frank Miller.

Tickets range from $15 to $30, BABC members will receive a $5 discount on tickets, using the Discount Code BABC

Purchase Tickets Here

BABC-Georgia is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 210 N Interstate Pkwy, Atlanta GA 30339. Contact Jennifer Langley, Executive Director,, 404-314-3941

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