Arnall Golden Gregory's Global Commerce Practice, Frazier & Deeter,
Metro Atlanta Chamber, PKF International, and Taylor Wessing,
UK Department for International Trade invite you to attend a complimentary
seminar on what U.S companies need to know when entering the U.K. and
Europe post-Brexit. The U.K. remains one of Europe’s strongest economies, and
offers a unique platform for U.S companies seeking to capitalize on Europe’s
business opportunities and markets.
Topics and Speakers will include:
Welcome and Policy Update on U.K. Brexit Plans
Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford – UK Consul General
Tax Opportunities and Structural Considerations for Companies
Considering Expansion into the UK and Europe
Matthew Hodgson and Stephen Bryan – Partners, PKF Cooper Parry
Mike Whitacre – Partner, Frazier & Deeter
Guide to Going Global – The UK as a Springboard
Mark Barron and Kai Westerwelle – Partners, Taylor Wessing
Traps for the Unwary – U.S. Compliance Requirements
when Investing Abroad
Robert Dow and Tycho Stahl – Partners, Arnall Golden Gregory
Export Opportunities for Regional Companies
John Woodward – Senior Director of Foreign Direct Investment,
Metro Atlanta Chamber
Jen Yun – Manager, Global Business Development,
Metro Atlanta Chamber
Space is limited!
Please register for this event by Monday, November 28, 2016.
Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
171 17th Street NW, Suite 2100
Atlanta, GA 30363
Directions and parking